Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Greenest Grass

I’m often reminded that the grass is always green on the other side. Sometimes it’s fun to wonder if, by the time I arrive on the other side, the grass from the original side really was a deeper green to begin with, now in contrast with the present dark hue of the ground. Maybe that’s just it. Maybe you really never know what have until it’s gone — or maybe you never know who you have until they’re gone. Maybe they’re right there in front of you.

So, switching topics casually, what’s true love? Is it a person? Is it a relationship? Possibly both? I’ve tried looking for it everywhere. I’ve scoured through my surroundings because I’m an observer, an eyewitness, I possibly notice everything as a way of communication versus speaking with words. I just love looking for things. Honestly, love comes to me as a completely sweet surprise. But falling in love is not the same. Nevertheless I find that also to be incredibly sweet… and it’s a marvelous mystery that I’ve regrettably never fully understood. Regardless, I know love comes in many ways. And God is love. And God is a mysterious being. So love is mysterious. I’m killing my brain with all of this, but my point is that love is something that is crazy and genuinely hard to find, no matter how much you search. That being said, why are we searching? Why aren’t we asking?

God should give us love if we request it. Knock and the door will be open. Seek and you will find. Thus love is reachable, but not searchable. Does this apply to falling in love? Maybe, but wouldn’t that be tripping in love? Falling in love comes naturally, you shouldn’t have to ask. So maybe if you trip in love (purposely), you won’t necessarily “live happily ever after.” But who am I to say that? It’s all in your heart. The main article I need to establish is that love is not something you force. In all seriousness, it really does come naturally. Thus, in the end, I’ve come to realize the simple truth:

I shouldn’t be searching at all. I should be waiting. Correct me if I’m wrong but that is love.

Even if the other side of the hill is boring, can’t we still trust the sun to shine? Can’t we still hope for love… because hope is from God? Isn’t love just around the curve? So many questions. But if you really do gulp that huge breath of oxygen, gather yourself accordingly, taste the strongest breeze, prepare yourself for a lifetime’s relationship, and climb that hill, and then obtain the right optimistic perspective, you’ll find the grass is greener. But only because you were willing to love, you were willing to risk, you were taking your chances with viewpoints. And if you’re willing, you won’t to have search. Your only job is to wait. The greenest grass isn’t your imagination. The greenest grass is your hope. And your hope is from God. And God is love. That’s my perspective.

1 comment:

  1. You are incredibly gifted, Cameron. Don't stop writing. And don't stop dreaming.
